We can help you deliver the Accounting and Tax BPO with:

Accounting and Fiscal Outsourcing

The Compliance model differentiates itself from the market by applying a complete solution in the outsourced process.

The project unites product (tax and accounting solution), expert concept in the validation of obligations before delivery, and subject matter specialists.


  • Outsourced Accounting and TaxProcesses
  • Generation of Accessory Obligations
  • Generation of Extemporaneous Obligations
  • Sanitation of Entries
  • XML Recovery

What is it?

Outsourcing of business processes to a specialized company, in order to produce results that surpass the execution of these internally.

Internal business processes performed by a specialist, except those linked to operations with direct relation to the core.


  • Freedom for managers to deal with issues focused on the business in a strategic way, allocating the energy, spent on these processes, to those that can generate better results;
  • Having a team specialized in handling tax and accounting processes that results in benefits that consistently outperform internal professionals;
  • Collecting results related to the process by means of a contract in substitution of the common and inherent means of labor relations, fragile as a consequence of the labor legislation;
  • Reduction of indirect costs for conceptual updating of the internal team, in addition to the physical and administrative structure to maintain the traditional model.
  • Own Compliance system, widely tested and approved by several clients, cloud technology.