Solve the challenge of lowering costs and increasing compliance in Brazil using our simple and user friendly tax localization solutions.

Want to find out how we can help with your company’s tax intelligence management?

Want to find out how we can help your company deliver messaging?

Our products and tools allow IT Managers and Finance Managers who oversee tax and compliance operations to meet local Brazilian requirements within the global ERP systems their companies deploy.

Reduce cost and the effort required to deliver tax obligations in Brazil

Ensure compliance and avoid costly fines

Increase your competitive advantage in the market while still meeting all tax requirements



Full Web,
100% Java,
Single Database,
Tax Solution and Messaging in a single Workspace.

The ease of implementation due to the cloud model and the lower initial investment were determining factors for us to select Compliance as our partner for Tax Solution.

Rodrigo Venâncio | Partner Director

Compliance Solutions
The ease of implementation due to the cloud model and the lower initial investment were determining factors for us to select Compliance as our partner for Tax Solution. Rodrigo Venâncio | Partner Director
The differential of Tax Compliance is the proximity of its consulting team with my team. Any request is promptly attended to. We have support for any new obligation created by the Tax Authorities.

Alan Germano | IT Manager

Compliance Solutions
The differential of Tax Compliance is the proximity of its consulting team with my team. Any request is promptly attended to. We have support for any new obligation created by the Tax Authorities. Alan Germano | IT Manager
We opted for Compliance Tax for its technical and business adherence in our RFP process, for having a differential as a 100% cloud solution and with integration to our SAP ERP.

Fabricio Liani | IT Specialist.

Compliance Solutions
We opted for Compliance Tax for its technical and business adherence in our RFP process, for having a differential as a 100% cloud solution and with integration to our SAP ERP. Fabricio Liani | IT Specialist.
The tax intelligence module native to the solution was also a great differential. It performs a thorough analysis, validates the rules, and critiques the tax documents that will be sent to the Tax Authorities.

Sidney Matos | IT/ IS Manager

Compliance Solutions
The tax intelligence module native to the solution was also a great differential. It performs a thorough analysis, validates the rules, and critiques the tax documents that will be sent to the Tax Authorities. Sidney Matos | IT/ IS Manager
Today, thousands of calls are registered monthly in the Compliance messaging system. Several challenges have been overcome and the processes have been improved thanks to the service model and the technology of the Compliance system.

Carlos Eduardo Caldas

Compliance Solutions
Today, thousands of calls are registered monthly in the Compliance messaging system. Several challenges have been overcome and the processes have been improved thanks to the service model and the technology of the Compliance system. Carlos Eduardo Caldas | CFO
Compliance Solutions



  • Ease of Migration – The Compliance Tax Solution can be deployed on premise or in the Cloud with easy data migration between platforms.
  • Technical Requirements Centralized access to information in a single database, native ETL and Tax Intelligence tools that ensure greater reliability and compliance.
  • Technology – 100% web based and built using Java, the Compliance Tax Solution leverages a single Oracle database ensuring best in class data integrity.
  • Investment – Lowest total cost of ownership in the market. Implementation and maintenance requirements are streamlined and cost less than similar competitors.



  • Navigation – Our user friendly interface provides a single work area with intuitive design to allow for efficient work across multiple divisions, locations, and legal entities.​
  • Auditing – Developed with Native Tax Intelligence, we deliver a set of more than 6,000 information validation rules integrated into the product, ensuring total compliance and reliability of the electronic files sent to FISCO.
  • Adherence – The Compliance Tax Solution is the only option in the market that includes both tax and messaging solutions integrated in a single Cloud product.
  • Training – Compliance’s proprietary remote learning options offer training and certification options for client users.












Full Stack Partners
ERP + Compliance




in the ecosystem


in the last years


at support


have simplified their processes
and achieved their objectives

Learn about the History of Compliance Solutions (PT-BR)


COMPLIANCE SOLUTIONS is a Brazilian company specialized in tax compliance, human capital management and credit card reconciliation.

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Compliance Events:

GRSST - 04/11

HCM Especialistas - 22/11

Webinar REINF - 29/11

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