We can help with e-Social delivery with:
Compliance is the complete solution for e-Social.
We go beyond messaging. With the Compliance HCM Solution you can manage, analyze, concentrate, and pre-validate the information from all departments affected by e-Social, regardless of how your organization handles the division of tasks and responsibilities.
We integrate any legacy system for payroll, occupational health and safety, tax, accounting, legal, etc., through various types of data entry.
The integration can be done by webservice, text file, XML, bank to bank, or manual.
You will have a control panel to manage the information.
We will make the validations and audits prior to sending the information for eSocial.
You can check the totalization of the amounts sent at any time.
Main Features:
Centralized Management
- Single Integration Platform
- Application for controlling and sending data
- Traceability (logs)
- Fines prevention
Validations before sending
- Auditing, cross-checks and comparisons of information before sending
- Payroll recalculation for comparison with ERP
- Automatic email warnings/alerts
- Manual inclusion and maintenance
- Adherence to legacy systems
- Several ways to import data
- Sending by personal release
- Central Repository of sent/received files
- Approvals and Access Parameters
- Deadline control
Forms of integration
- Database
- Webservices
Auxiliary Tables
- Nature of Items
- Category of Employees
- FPAS Code and FPAS Rate / Third Parties
- Reason for Absence
- Total of 22 tables
System Differentials:
- It is not simply a messenger, but a manager system for e-Social.
- Integration and cross-referencing of data, analysis, audits, prior validations, and especially the centralized management of e-Social in a 100% WEB environment.
- Control panel for simplified viewing of the status of file submission or verification of inconsistencies.
- Works as a PVA or PGD program.
- Allows the integration of any payroll, labor medicine and security, fiscal or legal software.
- It has several types of integration, such as text file, XML, webservice, and via bank.
- Allows the maintenance of imported and integrated data, providing greater flexibility (as long as it does not refer to values).
- Functions as a file repository, or a cloud storage and backup program for Protocols and Receipts, in addition to the XML files sent.
- It will allow the management of Health and Safety related to e-Social, such as registration of environments and relationship of risks and exams, for those customers who do not have a specific system for this purpose, or that currently control via spreadsheets.
- Total traceability and workflow for sending files and warnings via automatic e-mails.
- Reduction or elimination of fines due to errors in sending information.