We can help with payroll delivery with:
- Flexibility of calculation, registration of routines, formulas, variables, constants and ranges made by the user;
- Definition of accesses by user, by program, by value ranges and by calculation types;
- Security: LOGs in several critical points of the system;
- Import data fully customizable by the user, importing any layout;
- Importation of the FGTS balance from CEF, for terminations;
- Generation of titles for any value calculated, including: INSS (part discounted from the employee and part company), FGTS, IR, Union Contributions (associative and class), alimony, pro-labore;
- Calculation of freelancers and trainees via payroll;
- Own / third-party calculation (company employees providing services for third parties differentiating the rate of INSS on the company’s part);
- Report of calculation critics. Critics can be created by the user;
- Collective salary readjustment (with the possibility of automatic calculation of the salary difference from the previous months);
- Transfers of employees between companies, taking all of their histories, such as provisions, dependents, pensions, etc;
- DIRF, RAIS, CAGED, SEFIP, GRRF, GPS (generating the titles to be paid);
- Calculation of Provision by difference (self-adjustable in the month), output of anticipated and not paid vacations, output of anticipated and not paid vacations, low pay in the month, closing balance of the period;
- Payment in cash, checks or credit in any bank account generating the titles to pay);
- Text file management (sending and/or receiving) for several benefit suppliers, such as: VR, VISA-VALE, SODEXHO PASS, TICKET, UNIMED, SÃO FRANCISCO CLíNICAS, SUL AMERICA SEGUROS;
- Readouts ready for printing via bank terminals (BB, ITAÚ, BRADESCO);
- Absenteeism and turnover report;
- Computerized registration form, saving time and paper;
- Admission reports, contracts, CTPS updates, badge printing, declaration of IRRF dependent, issuing of family allowance form, PIS, authorization of discounts, among others;
- Report generator. The user creates his own report in the desired layout;