XML Recovery

XML Files Storage
In the Compliance system the XML file of issued and received NFe is stored in a database, allowing a quick and precise recovery of the information that must be available to the FISCO during the statute of limitations provided by the legislation.
When the recipient registers the acknowledgement of the operation, the NFe XML is available for download, even if it has not been transmitted by the supplier.
From 01.03.2014 for fuel distributor establishments:
From 01.07.2014 for fuel stations and transporters, and retail resellers;
As of 01.01.2015 the consignee manifest for the NF-e, will be mandatory for operations with values greater than R$ 100,000.00.
Failure to comply with this obligation implies in considering the NFe as not valid, making evidence only in favor of the FISCO.
The penalty for the company that does not comply with the legislation, that is, does not manifest itself in relation to the confirmation or not of the operation or service provision described in the NF-e, corresponds to a fine of 5% of the value of the operation or provision.
The consignee’s manifestation brings more security in the tax operations of the companies, ensuring that there was no undue use of its CNPJ and its State Registration to cover up fraudulent operations of consignments of goods to a consignee different from the one indicated on the e-Invoice.
It also provides legal security in the use of the corresponding tax credit, since a confirmed invoice cannot be cancelled by its issuer.
It helps in risk management and avoids tax liabilities involving the improper use of the companies’ State Registration and CNPJ.
We can help you deliver XML retrieval with:
Management and recovery of XML input
Always seeking to assist its clients’ tax compliance, Compliance offers a solution for the management and recovery of Incoming XMLs.
The solution allows the management of the process to happen in two ways:
- Through the Compliance system and using the access key (code present in each XML);
- Through the Compliance system and without using the access key (code present in each XML).
The second way considers the last six months, since in this period there is no need for the access key, the system recovers directly from the SEFAZ.
The first way, on the other hand, considers the recovery of the previous 5 years. Although it is not mandatory to keep the XMLs in the SEFAZ database for periods longer than 6 months, to date the Secretary of Finance has been keeping the files.
Complementary services that assist in the management of this model:
- The Compliance system tracks the XMLs for the period of 5 five years in the client’s emails and folders;
- Extraction of the SPED Tax access key;
- Extraction of the DANFE access key;
- Reconciliation of the recovered XMLs with the files and/or reports with access key to evaluate the missing ones;
- Conciliation between reports and files to evaluate the duplicity of keys;
- Maintenance of the Compliance system module for safekeeping and selective search of the recovered XML.
In addition, all this information can be validated by Tax Intelligence Compliance and easily integrated with any ERP.
This way your company will have the entire management process of the Input XML’s under control. Both those that have been received and those that should have been received, with the possibility of monitoring and generating alerts to your missing suppliers.
With a batch issue using a timer it is possible to issue invoices in large volumes in an easy and agile manner. Through the use of the highly parameterizable Fiscal Intelligence Compliance, the invoices are validated and easily integrated with any ERP solution or issued directly in the product. The Electronic Correction Letter (CC-e) is an integral part of the offering.
With existing processes, it takes about 1 second per invoice to issue an invoice regardless of the capacity of your company’s servers. With Compliance’s batch solutions, you can put several processes in place simultaneously using all the existing technology resources available for your company to save even more.
NFS-e – SERVICE ELECTRONIC INVOICE NOTEWith a batch issuance using a timer it is possible to issue invoices in large volumes in an easy and agile way. Through the use of the highly parameterizable Fiscal Intelligence Compliance, the invoices are validated and easily integrated with any ERP solution or issued directly in the product. Issuance
With a batch issue using a configurable timer, it is possible to issue large volumes in an easy and agile manner. Highly parameterizable, using fiscal intelligence Compliance, we validate and easily integrate the information to any ERP solution, WMS, TMS or issue directly on the product.
Whether it is a truck, train, ship, or airplane. Don’t waste time with traditional solutions that keep you waiting and waste time and money, find out what Compliance’s batch issuance can do for your transportation processes.
With the optimization through batch issuing your gains will be significant.
MD-e – ADDRESSEE MANIFESTATIONCompliance, always attentive to the requirements of the FISCO, makes available in its Tax System the Module – Electronic Receiver Manifestation. This module is linked to the NF-e Messaging System that provides an “Electronic Tax Documents Monitor”, which periodically manages the received and issued NF-e for the Taxpayer’s CNPJ, consulting the environment of the Finance Departments (SEFAZ) and showing the issuing situation (authorized, cancelled, denied) and the receipt of the NF-e. With the Tax Intelligence embedded in the system, possible “errors” and “inconsistencies” in the NF-e are very quickly identified and corrected, not compromising your company’s process. With the Consignee Manifestation, the FISCO requires the recipient of the NF-e to manifest about its commercial participation described in the NF-e, confirming the information provided by its supplier and issuer of the respective tax document. This process is composed of four events:
Regarding the safekeeping of XML filesIn the Compliance system, the XML files of issued and received e-Invoices are stored in a database, allowing for a quick and precise recovery of the information that must remain at the disposal of the FISCO during the statute of limitations provided for in the legislation. When the recipient registers the operation science, the XML of the e-NC is available for download, even if it has not been transmitted by the supplier. Regarding Obligation
PenaltiesThe non-fulfillment of this obligation implies in considering the NF-e as inidious, making evidence only in favor of the FISCO. The penalty for the company that does not comply with the legislation, that is, does not manifest itself in relation to the confirmation or not of the operation or service provision described in the NF-e, corresponds to a fine of 5% of the value of the operation or provision. Some of the BenefitsThe manifestation of the recipient brings more security in the fiscal operations of the companies, ensuring that there was no undue use of its CNPJ and its State Registration to cover up fraudulent operations of consignments of goods to a recipient other than the one indicated on the NF-e. It also provides legal security in the use of the corresponding tax credit, since a confirmed invoice cannot be cancelled by its issuer. It helps in risk management and avoids tax liabilities involving the improper use of the companies’ State Registration and CNPJ. |
e-SOCIALThe system is an integrator that will concentrate the information from all departments affected by e-Social, regardless of how your organization treats the division of tasks and responsibilities The solution is developed on the web, requiring only internet access with user and password. We import, export, analyze, validate and centralize various data and information on a single platform for all the layouts and information of e-Social, from micro to large companies, enabling the monitoring and control of information before sending it to the Government. We are fully adherent to any legacy system, allowing centralized management of all areas of e-Social, as well as centralized sending/receiving. |
Main FeaturesCentralized Management
Validations before sending
Forms of integration:
Auxiliary Tables:
The solution is web-based, requiring only internet access with a username and password. We import, export, analyze, validate and centralize various data and information on a single platform for all the layouts and information of e-Social, from micro to large companies, enabling the monitoring and control of information before sending it to the Government. We are fully adherent to any legacy system, allowing centralized management of all areas of e-Social, as well as centralized sending/receiving. |